A youth is eligible for registration if he is 11 years old,
but not yet 18 years old.
or has completed the fifth grade,
or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old
How to Join (Youth)
In order for a youth to become a registered member of Troop 101, each family will need to complete the following steps:

Complete a Youth Application Note: enter Marshfield’s zip code, 02050, to find our Troop.
Pay the National & Council Registration Fee
This is done at initial registration and once a year online with BSA. National registration is $85/year. Council activities fee is $68/year
with a copy of health insurance card (front and back) at your first meeting with the Troop 101 Parent/Family Information form and a $30 check made payable to "BSA Troop 101 Marshfield"
How to Volunteer (Adults)
Volunteer with Troop 101 as a Scout Leader, Committee Member, or Merit Badge Counselor! Contact with questions.

Complete Youth Protection Training
Create your account at my.scouting. Keep the Scout ID assigned to you for later registration.
Complete a Massachusetts CORI form
Complete a CORI form at
Complete the Online Adult Application
Enter Marshfield’s zip code, 02050, to find our Troop. Adult fees are $65/year
YPT is highly recommended for all scout parents. It’s good to understand how everyone involved in the Boy Scouts of America works diligently to keep kids safe.
The Mayflower Council is tasked with approving and keeping an updated list of merit badge counselors. A merit badge counselor holds a council-level position rather than a troop position, so leaders need to submit a new adult leader application even if they are already registered in another role. To become a Merit Badge Counselor, it is necessary to complete the Online Merit Badge Counselor Information Form as the fourth step.