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What will my Scout learn?

Troop 101 emphasizes the importance of living the Scout Law through meaningful service, active citizenship, and a deep connection with the outdoors. Our goal is to equip scouts with essential skills and knowledge that nurture their independence and prepare them to become leaders in their Troop, community, and beyond. 

What is Rank Advancement?

Your scout will have the chance to advance in rank while earning merit badges along the way. Ranks represent the skills and achievements your scout will accomplish, starting with the Scout rank. After achieving this foundational rank, they will progress through the remaining six ranks in order, each offering new challenges and opportunities for growth.


  • Tenderfoot                                         Star

  • Second Class                                     Life

  • First Class                                           Eagle


​There is no expectation on how quickly a scout must advance.


Merit badges are a fantastic way for Scouts to explore their interests while working towards rank advancement. With over 135 badges available, Scouts can learn valuable life skills and gain insights into potential career paths. Among these, 14 specific merit badges are essential for achieving the prestigious rank of Eagle. This journey only fosters personal growth but also encourages Scouts to pursue their passions.
All rank and merit badge information can be found in the Scouts BSA handbook and online at:

What will be our Time Commitment?

  • Troop Meetings: We meet most Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Sanctuary Church, excluding holidays.


  •  Patrol Leaders Council: for elected & appointed youth leaders and adult leaders are held once a month on Mondays during the same time. 


  • Optional events and outings, including camping, hiking, community service, and exclusive opportunities for outdoor adventures like rafting, skiing, and climbing are scheduled monthly

What are the Costs Associated with Scouting?

  • ​National BSA & Mayflower Council fee of $153 + annual troop fee ($30) collected annually. Most of the annual fee goes to Scouts BSA for insurance, admin, etc. It is possible to receive a waiver for the $68 Council fee.   

  • Special events - organized through the Troop (e.g. Ski trips, rafting trips, sports tickets) 

  • Handbook (one-time cost):  $24.99 

  • Scout Uniform (one-time cost): $ 39.99 +


The Troop provides a neckerchief, slide, Troop numerals, patrol emblem.  The Troop will purchase additional awards and badges as scouts earn them.        


​Handbooks and uniforms can be purchased at:

  • Camp Sayre Scout Store, Blue Hills:  411 Unquity Rd Milton, MA 02186,

(617) 615-0004

What is Summer Camp?

Camp Squanto – A week-long resident camp experience for Scouts in Plymouth, MA. Scouts may attend during Troop 101's designated week or individually.     

What is a Scout Account?

We believe in empowering our Scouts to 'Earn their Way' through active participation in troop fundraising activities. Each Scout has an established "Account" upon joining, where they can track their earnings from fundraisers. These credits can be used to cover various Scouting expenses, ensuring that we make Scouting as affordable as possible for all families. Please note that these credits are available only while a Scout is actively registered with the troop.

Will we be required to fundraise?

Troop 101 hosts several fundraisers throughout the year to our troop activities and benefit scout accounts. While participation in fundraising is not mandatory for scouts and their families, we encourage involvement in one or more of our opportunities. Our traditional fundraisers include the Fall chocolate bar sale, Wreath & Garland Sales in November-December, and car washes. This year, we were excited to introduce a new fundraiser: our Spaghetti Dinner!

How is information communicated within the Troop?

For the latest announcements, please check Scoutbook, our Parents' Facebook page, (private Facebook group) and this website. We also share updates at the beginning of all Troop Meetings. Remember, Troop 101 adheres to the “two deep” leadership policy, ensuring a safe environment for all Scouts. Scouts are encouraged to use other platforms for communication among themselves.


A youth is eligible for registration if he is 11 years old, or has completed the fifth grade, or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old. In order for a youth to become a registered member of Troop 101, each family will need to complete the following steps:


  1. ​Complete the online Youth Application and pay the National registration fee

  2. Complete the annual BSA Annual Health and Medical form and Provide copy of health insurance card (front and back)

  3. Complete the Troop 101 Parent/Family Information form

  4. Pay annual troop dues, checks made payable to "BSA Troop 101 Marshfield"


Tips & Suggestions

  • ​​Obtain a handbook and uniform ASAP.  

  • Familiarize yourself with (used for all calendar, advancement records, and communication). 

  • Get involved!  Attend a Troop Meeting or Troop Committee Meeting, join a fundraiser, chaperone an event, become a Merit Badge Counselor - the opportunities are endless!

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