Adult Leadership

Active, committed leaders and parents are the heart and soul of a successful troop. You don’t need to have any special abilities to make a huge difference in a young person’s life. Volunteer to help at one of our many events; you’ll be glad you did! Contact the Troop Committee Chair.

Click here to view a list of our adult leaders in Troop 101.


Adult Leadership Application Process

1. Complete the required Youth Protection Training on

This is required for all Scout leaders and highly recommended for all parents. It’s good to understand
how everyone involved in the Boy Scouts of America works diligently to keep kids safe.  The above link will direct you to create an account at my.scouting

2. Complete a Massachusetts CORI form at

3. Complete the Online Adult Application using Troop 101’s PIN

You may need the  Scout ID assigned to you during Youth Protection Training. 


Adult Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) Process

Follow this link to discover more information about becoming a merit badge counselor.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any adult wishing to register as both a unit leader and as a merit badge counselor need to submit 2 adult leader applications (one for each position) complete with above information. Incomplete applications can not be processed. 


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